Why should brands start a podcast?

Sirak Ghroyan
4 min readSep 4, 2021

While it hasn’t been the case for much of human history, nowadays, communication mediums are all about self-expression, diversity and convenience. Podcasts seem to fit the criteria, which might explain the growing popularity of this fairly new medium.

Platforms that foster such an environment swarm with opportunities, both for individuals and businesses. With 485 million consumers worldwide, podcasting is here to stay, so let’s figure out why leveraging this medium will play to your brand’s advantage.

The way to a consumer’s heart is through their ears

For now, we’re not going to focus on podcast recording platforms or how it’s best to set up your podcast, but rather why?

The majority of people need to hear something up to 25–30 times before taking action and engaging with a service or product. That’s simply how our brains work. Marketing maxims have surpassed the Rule of 7 set by the movie industry in the 1930s. With the current clamor of advertising messages and our brains’ protecting mechanism against them, the bar definitely doesn’t start at 7. So whatever your magic number might be, you need to deliver your message as many times as possible, consistently. And not sound redundant.

Reinforcing your message serves more than just a reminder; it’s about building trust. There are hundreds of companies and services popping in and out of their sight at all times and all places, that’s why it’s important to let your prospects know that you’re always there along with your services and solutions.

When it comes to building a trusting relationship with your potential customers, a socially savvy approach is the best way to go. When ‘bugging’ your audience, let it be with useful content and meaningful stories that will over time form an emotional bond.

Valuable stories bring valuable listeners

Buying decisions, especially consistent ones, are shaped by emotional connections that your audience forms with your brand. The best way to achieve such loyalty and investment in your brand’s affairs is through compelling storytelling — textual, visual, and most importantly audio. Digital audio content is conquering hearts, so as a brand there is no reason why you shouldn’t incorporate podcasting into your marketing strategy.

Depending on your brand’s industry, you’re very likely to be among the firsts that have decided to engage with their audience through podcasts. It is a truly unique way to go about promoting your business. ‘Unconventional’ doesn’t always imply ‘effective,’ yet this is definitely not that case.

What’s a better way to “tell your story” than through your loyal employees, collaborators, or even customers. What’s it like doing business with you? What are the challenges and goals for the future? It’s going to feel intimate and insightful, almost like a secret; and who doesn’t like secrets?

As they say, modern problems require modern solutions, so you should find your audience wherever they’re hiding from traditional advertising and “touch” your prospects in a meaningful way.

If you want to do it right, do it yourself

Why not collaborate with other podcasters instead? No one stops you from doing that; you’re actually encouraged to build connections inside the community once you start your own brand’s podcast. An existing podcast is a great channel for promoting your brand, yet, no one can be as dedicated to that mission as you (and by you, I mean leading the stories and being in full control of everything that goes down in the podcast).

Stats and studies are here to back it up. Listeners are more engaged and likely to remember brand names mentioned in a podcast compared to other traditional mediums used for promotion, and a side promotion won’t ever be as organic as you sharing your brand’s journey.

Depending on your product, you can pick the type of storytelling that works best for you. Interview podcasts with creatives in and outside of your industry, or a solo project by someone who’s truly passionate about your brand; these are just examples.

With podcasting, it doesn’t really matter when your audience is engaging with your content. Your advertisement will exist and be accessible online for as long as you need, not limited by timing or devices on which it can be accessed. Sounds like the perfect place for you to step in and promote your brand.

It’s also cost-effective compared to other channels of promotion. When it comes to technology, audio content creation platforms got you covered. Podcastle is one great podcast audio editing software that’s free and accessible for individuals and brands.

Even though minimal, starting a podcast still requires additional effort and resources, which you are most likely already putting into other marketing strategies. So, why not invest smartly?



Sirak Ghroyan

Cyber Security Enthusiast | R&D and Digital Marketing Specialist